Big Sur, California
How do you write about a place that makes you feel something that words can’t really describe? Just to get to Big Sur you must drive down perhaps one of the most beautiful highways in the united states. A road in which breathtaking beaches meet huge rocky cliffs on one side of you and mountains with giant trees tower above you on the other. Just the drive itself filled our bellies with butterflies. As we pulled in to Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park it was like time nearly stood still. We slowly drove up to the main building to get registered for a night of camping and I swear our hearts tuned in to the frequency of nature. We got to our campsite, pulled in next to a log that was nearly as big around as our car, and set up our tent almost in silence. In the next few moments we laced up our running shoes and hit the park’s trails. We ran furiously among the giants drawing in the essence of pine as deep breaths filled our lungs. Then we found a sweet little river branch that someone had built a crossing over and walked out onto a small island of river rocks. It was here, in the middle of the stream, that it all sank in. We have always loved nature but this was the day we gained true respect for it. We get so caught up in our day to day activities and our to do lists in life. It is so hard to slow down and even harder to find a moment of peace. That day, at that park, we found that moment of peace and while we couldn’t keep it forever, we felt that nature had gifted us with the experience of it. If you take anything from this post I hope it is not that you should visit Big Sur (even though you seriously should!!) rather, my hope is that you will take some time, even if it’s just a few hours, to experience nature. Bring a camera or smartphone to snap a few photos then put it away and take a few moments to let yourself feel immersed in your surroundings. Let it hit all of your senses then store it in your memory. On days when you are stressed or feel like you need to just get away you will have that memory to hold you over until your next chance to get back out there.
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Website